12 most proven ways to generate organic websites traffic

12 most proven ways to generate organic website traffic.

Listing your site on Google is not just enough for any business or brand. When ranking in the top search can do wonders by driving most of the traffic on you website.

SEO (Search engine optimization) strategy plays an important role when it comes to the algorithm that’s use by Google to find the relevant information according to the searched keywords.

But it’s always best to just not only be depended on anyone way to generate leads for the website. To make it more clear lets breakdown things.

Free organic website Traffic

Why do you need more traffic on your website? 

Getting your business online is the smartest way to reach out more users that can be converted in to potential customers\ users. Search engines like Google have a wide number and range of users globally in matter of age, gender. 
The more users means more number or opportunity to covert those users to quality customer for a brand. You can reach more people at same time.

What is organic website traffic?

Lead generated traffic refers to any organic interest to you brand. People who are actually interested in that part of industry, work, category, and product etc. 

These leads are generated through advertising, keywords searches, promotion, social media, blogs, and online forums. 

So, now when you know why to generated traffic for the website the next thing or question will be how to get more traffic on your website.

 And with more of the research here are some proven ways that will definitely help to boost the website traffic.

12 Most effective ways to increase the website traffic.

1. On page SEO

The topic and content that is posted on the site must be easy to understand and should be created by using most searched keywords. This can help in keeping the post up when searches are made on that particular niche. 

Even though it’s difficult to find such topic and rank you site as there are already listed pages on top. Try to increase the post size. Also work on loading speed of the page.

2. Keyword Research

Keyword research is to find what actually users are looking for, most searched terms. What words they use for their research.

There a many online sites like Semrush, Google Trends that helps to find how much competition and traffic does the keyword generates globally. More the research better the results. 

3. Fresh and updated content

People likely search for new content to read that one of the reason why new channels and articles are on the top search list. The advantage of keeping the content updated is that you will always have constant users. 

Who know that your brand is active and would eventually update them when something new hits the market.

4. Online forums.

Online forums are more like communities or groups where people come and discuss their problems in order to find or ask for solutions.

 There are even arguments or debates between groups. This can be a best place to interact with new people and recommend your own website for reference.

5. Giveaway campaign

People love when it comes to win price and that where giveaways grab lot of attention for any brand or business. 

Giveaways mostly are based on small task assigned by brand or business.
E.g. To apply for giveaway you need to share this massage 3 more people or tag them and top 3 luck winners will be rewarded with brand voucher.

This can help in 3 ways increase brand awareness, increase sales, and drive new customers.

6. Website backlinks

Back links are you own site links on other sites that will bring users to your site. It’s necessary to make quality backlinks that are on high authorised sites and will always drive healthy traffic.

Sites like Moz have 40 trillion + links added to their data base and is the trusted platform.

7. Guest post
Posting an article on other blogs or sites that are owned by others. A good guest post can set your profile in that particular field of market, build healthy relationship with the other experts in that sector.

Eventually will exposer you in new group of audience. 

8. Newsletters

Newsletters are online email subscription offered by any brand or company in order to stay connected with their customers, by providing some prim services.

E.g. when we sign up to amazon prime they provide some special services like free delivery, or prime users get early access to the content.

They collect email Id to send stay connected with users and let them know with new and upcoming events. 

9. Social media marketing

Social media platforms have highly engaged audience any business looks for. And platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Pinterest are among those top platforms who have built their audience with content, and services.

Not to forget how videos and messages get viral in no time when shared using this apps. They not only provide us new customer base but also with marketing tools to analyse the range of customer and brand reach.

10. Video marketing

Video marketing has gave a new vision to online marketing. Where you just don’t sell a product online but also create a rand trust by visually showcasing the product.

Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, instagaram reels have highest engagement, Video marketing has helped customers in decision making so they know how and where they can buy the product or avail the service.

11. Influencer marketing.

Market influencers have built their strength connecting people at very ground level and convincing other users to buy the product. They can be satisfied customer or experts in that particular field with a social media reputation and a healthy amount of followers.

Collaboration with influencers can ease you work and help to gain new users and good customer base. 

12. Brand collaboration

Collaborating with other brands that Shares same or niche customers can a great deal for any brand or business. Where you get access to new customer base and brand support that builds brand reputation.

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